What is FIFO Work


Introduction: What is FIFO Work?

FIFO, or Fly in Fly Out, is a work arrangement that involves workers flying to a remote location to work for a period of time, typically a few weeks or months, before returning home for a period of rest. This arrangement has become increasingly common in the Australian mining industry, as it allows companies to tap into a wider pool of talent and minimize the cost and logistical challenges of housing and supporting workers on site. In this blog post, we’ll explore the history of FIFO in Australia, particularly in the mining industry of Western Australia, and discuss the pros and cons of this work arrangement.

The History of FIFO in Australia

FIFO, or Fly in Fly Out, is a work arrangement that has become increasingly common in the Australian mining industry. It involves workers flying to a remote location to work for a period of time, typically a few weeks or months, before returning home for a period of rest. This arrangement has allowed companies to tap into a wider pool of talent, as workers can live in any location while still being able to take on FIFO roles.

The Rise of FIFO in Western Australian Mining

Western Australia has a long history of mining, and the use of FIFO arrangements has become increasingly common in recent decades. The state is home to some of the world’s largest mining operations, many of which are located in remote areas that are difficult to access by road. As a result, FIFO has become an attractive option for both companies and workers, as it allows companies to bring in the necessary workforce while minimizing the cost and logistical challenges of housing and supporting workers on site.

The Pros and Cons of FIFO

Like any work arrangement, FIFO has its pros and cons. Some of the benefits of FIFO include:

  • The ability to take on high-paying roles without having to relocate
  • The opportunity to work in a variety of locations and experience different parts of the country
  • The potential to save money on living expenses, as accommodation and meals are often provided while on site

However, FIFO can also come with some challenges, such as:

  • The need to be away from home for extended periods of time
  • The potential for isolation and a lack of social support while on site
  • The impact on family and personal relationships

The Future of FIFO in Australia

While FIFO has become a common arrangement in the Australian mining industry, it’s likely to continue evolving in the future. As technology advances and new modes of transportation are developed, it’s possible that FIFO will become even more widespread. However, it’s also likely that the pros and cons of FIFO will continue to be debated, as the arrangement has the potential to both benefit workers and present challenges.